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Tearie Szydlo

Danice, you've been a neighbor of ours for ten years, I still remember the day we met, but most of all you've been a friend, a true dear beloved friend, thru everything good and bad, you've been there openheartedly helping whether it was cooking for my entire family or just a phone call to say hey I'm here if you need me. I am so happy that you got this chance of a lifetime of amazing travels and experiences. I have to admit I was devestated when you told me you were leaving...like moving away and not just out of our neighborhood but out of the country! I believe I cried first when you told me. I am so glad you are coming back to Houston and can't wait to go to lunch and talk about all your adventures. We've missed you dearly (mostly Kayla & I)even though you've been 10,000 miles away you've only always been a click away. Hugs!

Debbie stark

What a great chronicle of an amazing adventure! I have enjoyed reading about all your travels and adventures (well except the snakes in the house!) and have seen so many beautiful things thru your words and pictures! You truly have lived a dream that not many people get the opportunity to do. And you have such a gift of words! You have persevered thru bad times and good times with both grace and beauty. Thank you for sharing and I hope you continue to blog as you have such a way with words!! And I love hearing of Des's adventures!!

Welcome home!!



You are a truly gifted storyteller and it's been wonderful reading about all of your adventures. You are such a strong woman and Mr Ken would be so proud of you and your continuing love for him. I've loved seeing the world thru your eyes and reading about your journey. I look forward to reading about your new chapter of life. You are amazing and you have great things ahead of you. And you truly were blessed with a greater love than many will ever know. Sending you love and hugs, doll!

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